dino and emma

About Us

dino and emma

Emma's Story

Dino and I first met at a business exercise I was running in Cumbernauld. I thought cute guy and very smart. (Dino was wearing a three piece suit).

Our paths did not cross again until one sunny March lunchtime in London, some six months later. I was working in a different office from usual so went to grab a coffee before going into the office for my meeting.

When I saw the cute guy from the Cumbernauld exercise walk past, we had a brief chat and went on to our respective meetings. Later that day I received an e-mail asking me out. After playing it cool, I agreed to meet him for a drink. The rest, as they say is history….

We have over the past three years, been on several great holidays, met each others family and friends, and bought a house together.

Dino is one of the most caring, and patient people I know (he has to be patient to be able to put up with me!)

And all that remains to be said, is I cannot wait to enjoy married life with Dino, and sharing the future with our friends and family.

ps. I have since learnt he wore three piece suits so as to avoid having to fully iron his shirt!!!!

dino and emma

dino and emma

dino and emma

Dino's Story

I first met this lady in RBS when she summoned me to a meeting in Cumbernauld. After just a short time there, I managed to pluck up the courage and asked, "Can I go now please?".

Given my obvious gift with 'da ladies', I worked my magic and Emma agreed to go out with me... er six months later!

It wasn't long before I moved in with Emma and soon began meeting her friends and family.... Scary! Actually no, they're all great and Emma's very fortunate to have such a great bunch.

Our first major commitment together came not long into the relationship. Yes, I did in fact put Emma on my car insurance. In fairness, she's a great driver and it bodes well that speed impresses her!

Moving into our first house was quite an ordeal and Emma soon learned of my amazing DIY talents. My abilities in using Polyfilla are well mastered!

Emma and I have enjoyed many times together, too many to list, and many of them spent with our friends and family. Skiing has been our main mutual holiday interst and it won't be long before Emma improves her technique to that of my own! ;O)

In our years together I haven't once looked back and look forward to seeing in the future both together, with our friends and family, and the surprises married life brings.

dino and emma

dino and emma

dino and emma

dino and emma

dino and emma

dino and emma

dino and emma

dino and emma

dino and emma

dino and emma

dino and emma

dino and emma

dino and emma

dino and emma

dino and emma

dino and emma